

Professional Services for Data Center Facilities


Data Center Facility Infrastructure:

Providing data center facility analysis and guidance to optimize alignment with mission requirements.

Design Review:

  • Assist with design process and topology considerations

  • Identify design classification and performance level for industry comparisons

  • Qualify design for performance, resiliency, efficiency, innovative opportunity, and scalability

  • Assist with preparations for industry certifications and recognition

It is often the case for those seeking Uptime Institute Tier certification to make multiple, common mistakes based on misconceptions regarding the Tier Topology standard.  This causes document submissions that do not comply with the standard and information omissions that require revision and correction and additional review by the standards entity.  Infrapraxis has extensive experience with the Uptime Tier Standards and the certification process and can assist you in identifying these common mistakes and pitfalls early in the process which greatly expedites the certification process, reduces the time spent, and avoids unnecessary additional cost.

Design evaluation and gap analysis:

  • Identify and qualify a facility’s technical features that define its MEP capacities, redundancy levels, potential single points of failure (SPOF), design day true performance, engineering tolerances, automation/controls dependencies, and overall resiliency and serviceability characteristics

Design governance, architectural specifications and engineering standards:

  • Assist with identifying and formalizing design philosophy to drive effective design governance

  • Aid in establishing formal criteria for the facility’s major asset selection

Facility site selection:

  • Guide due diligence efforts for comprehensive facility site selection process and qualification

DATA center strategy:

Assisting with the formalized basis for aligning facility infrastructure and its operations with owner mission requirements.

  • Determine overarching strategy for services availability and associated risk tolerance to loss of facility resources

  • Qualify strategy with formalized requirement definitions and policies

  • Evaluate existing risk exposure and assist with risk management plans

  • Perform due diligence to fully vet operating companies for compliance with strategy requirements

  • Analyze heterogeneous facility portfolios against against strategy requirements

  • Perform needs analyses of the services, applications, processes hosted in the data center facilities

Data Center Facility Operations: 

Assisting in creating contemporary, fully formalized, centrally administered best in class operating programs.

  • Identify and assist with formalized Program Definitions

  • Identify gaps in formal program that compromise operational readiness and specify remedies

  • Review operational methodology and functional components such as procedure library creation and administration (MOP/SOP/SCP/EOP), program definitions and policies that formalize all important FO functions

  • Assess staffing model against operating requirements and make recommendations

  • Assess and assist with Plans of Maintenance (Preventive, Corrective and Predictive), standards based internal maintenance standards (IEEE, NETA, ANSI, ASHRAE), scopes of services, maintenance management systems, extraordinary maintenance programs, critical spares programs

  • Review and make recommendations for the safety program (NFPA 70E, OSHA)

  • Assess and assist with creating appropriate training programs

  • Review budget forecasting and tracking processes

  • Identify and establish requisite policies controlling work windows and coordination

  • Analyze the Incident Response and Failure Analysis processes for accuracy and effectiveness

  • Assess Change Management policy and processes and assist with formulation

  • Audit reference library and make recommendations: Record Drawings, As-Builts, O&M manuals, Equipment submittals, Commissioning reports, BOD (Basis of Design) and SOO (Sequence of Operation) narratives

  • Review established operating conditions for resiliency and efficiency

  • Recommend appropriate industry Best Practices and assist in formulating internal standards

  • Assist with Risk Register creation and administration

  • Examine and make recommendations for increasing energy efficiency in order to lower PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness)

  • Identify and recommend innovative solutions for all aspects of Facility Operations

  • Perform comprehensive operational review and recommendations for entities seeking operational certifications and recognition



  • Assessments, Inspections, Reviews

  • Site visits

  • Documentation Review

  • Personnel interviews

  • Research


  • Reports, various assessment and review documents

  • Edited company/owner documents and drawings

  • Recommendations in various formats

  • Presentations in requested formats